T.S. DEFIANCE win the 11th Indefatigable Trophy.
Indefatigable Old Boys, are invited to attend the following event and ceremony.
It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. Defiance (Newhaven and Seaford SCC)’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup in its eleventh year, the Indefatigable Cup for 2016 (awarded 2017).
For SCC Unit HEAD-COUNT: Please indicate to me (Steve Humphries) if you wish to attend this event <steve_c_humphries@btinternet.com>.
Venue: Old Church Chapel Street, Newhaven, East Sussex. BN9 9QD
Date: Friday 2nd June 2017
Time: Arrive at 18:30 – In time to carry out formal parade and Inspection for 19:15. till approx. 22:00 (times TBC).
Dress Code: Mess Uniform / Suit.
IOBA Chairman (Andrew Butler 77/78) will be travelling to the Unit to make this very special presentation to Heather Wells CPO (SCC) Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. DEFIANCE the ‘Indefatigable Cup‘, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.
The Unit made sustained progress throughout last year 2016, with an effective training programme and the taking part of District and Area events. This has required huge effort and commitment and they thoroughly deserve the award.
The Sea Cadet unit was awarded a Burgee by the Captain of the Sea Cadet Corps ‘Captain Phil Russell RN’, the Burgee is the highest award that can be awarded to a Sea Cadet Corps Unit in recognition of the hard work of the Volunteers, Cadets and UMC.
Citation: After a poor year in 2015 achieving only 59 points and no award, TS Defiance has pulled together and concentrated on establishing themselves again, delivering high quality training and fun for the cadets. They have worked incredibly hard and have made substantial gains across the board. The standard of dress and bearing is always a good indicator of unit performance. The Cadets are proud of TS Defiance, they are smart and represented the District at the Drill and Piping Area Competition. A significant step forward in boating hours has been achieved with an increase of 22% to 36 hours / cadet, which is excellent. Paddle-sports accounts for approximately half the hours with the remaining spread evenly across rowing, sailing and power. The unit has appointed a new Boats Officer and gained improved access to the river, which will continue to have an impact. It is especially pleasing that the unit has worked extremely hard to achieve qualifications and has doubled its success rate. It is also encouraging the unit is to engage the DofE and BTEC award processes and has signed cadets onto both schemes. Recruitment is good and increases in both BJ and Juniors has been achieved equating to an overall increase of 11%. The unit recognises they are still at 78% capacity and have an active programme of developing the Cadet experience in parallel with increasing overall numbers to achieve their goal of 100% + capacity next year. Having an extremely effective and productive training officer, the unit has maximised the use of District, Area and National training assets which broadens the horizons of the cadets, achieves qualifications and improves the overall cadet experience. The unit is also actively involved in the local community and attended fetes, festivals, appeals, dinners and the normal parades and ceremonials. A good cross-section of events that maintains the interest of the cadets and is valued by the community. The infrastructure of the unit is rather old and difficult to maintain, however there is a solid plan being driven by an energetic Chairman who has a clear vision for the unit. The unit has benefited from good leadership and management both from uniformed and UMT personnel, who have worked well together. Overall, TS Defiance has worked incredibly hard to ensure a solid foundation for the future has been achieved. Their improvement from 59 points last year to 78 ( Burgee awarded) this year is truly remarkable. With a clear plan for the future, their journey is by no means at an end and they are very strongly recommended for the TS Indefatigable Cup award being the most improved unit in the Southern Area.
Web: http://www.newhavenandseafordseacadets.org/
Affiliated to: HMS Defiance.
Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA): Secretary & Archives
©www.indeoba.com 2017