The video ‘link’ below was created in the early 90’s to promote the school.
Please note the Indefatigable School closed in 1995, the above link to the video is for archive purposes only.
It is a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.
Image Archive which contains 2000 + items todate, of photographs drawings, and moving images of and about the Indefatigable. Some of them are modern images of reunions & events, of the IOBA today and OBs as they look now but the majority are ‘historic’ scenes dating from 1864 to 1995.
If you have any images relating to the ‘Indefatigable School’ or the ‘IOBA’ that you’re willing to share on our flickr account, please email the IOBA Secretary & Archive
Indefatigable Film by Tim Brunsden –
Click on: The 30th Indefatigable Old Boys Annual Reunion
‘I was invited down to the ‘Old Indefatigable School’ last weekend (8th June 2013) to do some filming at the 30th Indefatigable Old Boys Annual Reunion. The weather was amazing and it was really great to see how connected the Old Boys are by their experience at The Indefatigable.
Indefatigable Film by Tim Brunsden –
Click on: The Indefatigable 150th Celebration – June 14th 2014
Indefatigable Film by Tim Brunsden –
Click on: The Phaeton
Here’s a link to a piece we did earlier with the late Bill Smith 1936/38 talking about his time at the school on board ‘The Phaeton’ (the last Indefatigable ship). Dedication to the late ‘Bill Smith 1936/38′.
© 2020