T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow SCC Photo Diary
T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness, SCC Photo Diary 11-June-2024
Indefatigable Old Boys, attend the following event and ceremony.
T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC SEA CADET CORPS – Win the 15th Indefatigable Trophy.
It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup for 2023 (awarded 2024).
Tuesday 11th June 2024: On Tuesday evening the TS Indefatigable Cup was presented to Barrow Sea Cadets for being the most improved Sea Cadet Unit from over 420 Sea Cadet Units nationwide in 2023!
The evening was attended by: The Mayor of Barrow, The Indefatigable Old Boys’ Association, C/O HMS Agamemnon Cdr Bring Crosby and many more from across the Barrow Community to mark the presentation of the TS Indefatigable Cup.
IOBA Secretary Joss Barns 1991-95 made a very special presentation to Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN the ‘Indefatigable Cup‘, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.
Link: TO PRESENTATION Speech to follow
Other IOBA attendees: Tony Eastham 1975-76
Here is a selection of photos from the evening;
Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© www.indeoba.com 2024
‘You wouldn’d last a month without Seafarers’
‘You wouldn’t last a month without Seafarers’
By The late Reverend Canon Bob Evans;
RIP 3rd January 2024 age 99
Well-known to tens of thousands of Liverpool Seafarers over a period of almost fifty-five years, Canon Bob Evans is the most iconic figure in the Liverpool Shipping commiunity and INDE OLD BOYS!
Here’s the first part of our interview with Bob;
Part One: http://www.liverpoolshipsandsailors.com/2015/10/21/canon-bob-evans-part-one/
Here’s the second part of our interview with Bob;
Part Two: http://www.liverpoolshipsandsailors.com/2015/11/07/canon-bob-evans-part-two/
Part Three: http://www.liverpoolshipsandsailors.com/2015/11/25/canon-bob-evans-part-3/
The Indefatigable BOOK by : The Reverend Canon Bob Evans, The Story of Indefatigable 1864-1995
On sale via the IOBA below
Indefatigable old boys association merchandise and engravings by Rolldove studio
Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA): Archives Secretary
Join the IOBA
It is a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.
Membership stands at a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.
As of the 2022 IOBA AGM
IOBA Membership
At the 2022 AGM, members voted to remove the IOBA membership
fee of £15 per annum. You can, therefore, now become a member of the
association for free.
We do, however, recognise that many new and existing members may still
wish to make an annual donation to the association. Should you wish to do
so, please use the form and tick options 2 or 3.
You can also download a copy of this form below from our website:

To join, simply click on the form below, print it out, fill in your details and send it to our Membership Secretary ;
George Brown <treasurer@indeoba.com> all the details are on the form.
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine to view the form. It can be downloaded free from here:

If you have any questions about the IOBA, or how to join, please contact our Membership Secretary, George Brown 91/94
The objects of the Association:
- To keep Old Boys in touch with one another.
- To bring members together from time to time for a reunion celebration.
- To encourage members and all Old Boys to keep alive the INDEFATIGABLE tradition by whatsoever means the Committee might think appropriate.
www.indeoba.com 2024