Can the IOBA help you, in being able to attend future IOBA AGM & Reunions?
The IOBA can help members so that they are able to attend future IOBA AGM & Reunions. Would you like to be considered for the following, so that you can attend the next year IOBA Reunion? Guide on the parameters and criteria to be applied are set below, but we must stress at this point, ‘applications will be decided by the serving IOBA committee’.
Criteria’s proposed: Maximum Award to be £300. All nominees will be asked to submit an approximate overall costing. To include; UK Travel expenses / Accommodation / Reunion Dinner & Bar.
Guidelines set are;
1) Up to £300.00 max.
2) Must be a fully paid up member of the IOBA.
3) Not previously been to an AGM under the terms of this proposal.
4) Committee to decide on the IOBA Member to attend.
5) Vice Chairman to coordinate.
Please don’t be offended by the offer, it’s there for the taking. If you would like to take up the offer, please write to Steve Paris 76/78 who’s managing this initiative on behalf of the committee.
Steve Paris 76/78
2, Dolphin Close,
Winnersh, Reading,
RG41 5XP