Paying your subscription by PayPal
Some of our members requested that we consider offering PayPal as a payment method for our membership subscriptions – this would make life a lot easier for our members who live abroad. Well, we’re pleased to say that we do now accept PayPal, so you can pay your subscription online by clicking the appropriate ‘Pay Now’ button below.
There are some charges associated with using PayPal, and, in fairness to members who prefer not to use the system, we felt it was only right that the IOBA did not absorb those charges but that they were added onto the cost of subscription for those paying by PayPal. The actual cost of using PayPal to accept fees varies according to a number of variables, such as value of transaction and country of residence of the payer. In reality this variation only works out to be a few pence either way, so in the interest of simplicity we have set them at three clear fixed rates as shown below.
To pay your membership subscription, please click the appropriate option below:
1 Year Membership £15 (plus 80p fee) |
1 Year Membership (OAP) £10 (plus 80p fee) |
5 Year Membership £65 (plus £3 fee) |
5 Year Membership (OAP) £45 (plus £2 fee) |
If you don’t want to pay via PayPal and want to avoid the additional charges, you can still use our preferred method of payment and set up a standing order with your bank (our bank account details can be found on the membership form below), or you may send us a cheque (Again full details of where to send payment are on the form below).
Don’t forget, if you’re a new member or have changed your contact details recently, you still need to complete and send the subscription form to our Treasurer – please mark “Payment made by PayPal” on the form.
You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine to view the form. It can be downloaded free from here:
If you have any questions about the IOBA, or how to join, please contact our Membership Secretary, George Brown 91/94: IOBA Membership Secretary <>
© 2024